Joy City
This life in Christ provides us residency in Joy City. When life's challenges, struggles and hardships seem overwhelming, we look back to the First Century Church to find strength to persevere. After they were persecuted and fled, God used them in such a way that great joy was found in that city. Come join us in this City of Joy and celebrate with us and become even stronger and healthier for the Body of Christ. Jesus spoke these words, "...I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full." The greatest and most complete joy only has its source in the divine joy provided in following Jesus Christ.
Joy City
Joy City - With Winning In Mind
In this episode, military veteran Ryan Bates and I discuss the topic of "mindset" and what a mindset shift can do to help you in your life to obtain the God given vision for your life. In Joy City, we believe that the plans, desires, goals and dreams that God has for your life, can be fulfilled. What does it take? How do I do this? Can I really achieve these? YES you can. With God's help and by His grand design and with others alongside to lend support and encouragement. It is all possible. Come on in, join us in Joy City and let's ACTIVATE together.
Contact Host: Pastorstuart@lifeconnection4christ.org or (209) 522-3583.