Joy City
This life in Christ provides us residency in Joy City. When life's challenges, struggles and hardships seem overwhelming, we look back to the First Century Church to find strength to persevere. After they were persecuted and fled, God used them in such a way that great joy was found in that city. Come join us in this City of Joy and celebrate with us and become even stronger and healthier for the Body of Christ. Jesus spoke these words, "...I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full." The greatest and most complete joy only has its source in the divine joy provided in following Jesus Christ.
Joy City
Why Not U? Creator Derrick Wells Joins Joy City
Welcome to Joy City and today I am joined by the creator of Why Not U?, Derrick Wells. Derrick enlarged the vision and created Why Not U Leadership Academy for the Sacramento area schools. He developed the core curriculum to present to the admin at each location and has spent the last several months hitting up big time conferences to keep learning, enlarging and implementing the vision. Coach E.T., Eric Thomas and the 120 Conference-You Owe You in Chicago, John Maxwell Leadership Conference in Florida and most recently, CMCR Marriage Conference with Married Into Crazy podcast host who served as the keynote speakers.
Here’s my interview with Derrick Wells.
We talk Why Not U? Coach E.T. and John Maxwell as well as a Marriage Conference in Lake Tahoe. Derrick feels that conferences are a way to continually invest in yourself and grow. Derrick’s mission and goal is not only to serve others but to inspire over 1,000,000 people in podcasting and coaching. He talks the John Maxwell, “Law of the Lid” and more. To be around “winners” and there is no complacency, everyone is striving to become better. So that pushes him to greater heights.
The Marriage Conference, “Married Into Crazy” is a podcast from Snooks & Lovie and CMCR Marriage Retreats had them as the keynote speakers. In this conference they learned about creating a vision for your marriage, setting goals and defining the dreams for your marriage. So the conference pushed you into communicating with your spouse and then creating a vision board and a plan to work towards the vision.
Why Not U? was formed after talking to people and would find them not taking action on their words. Excuses, obstacles and other hinderances that keep people from their giftings and ideas. Derrick wants to inspire and coach people to operate in their God given gifts and help to elevate people to reach their dreams.
Derrick speaks on allowing people around you, close to you, to help you discern your gift. Ask people, what do you see that I am good at? What do you see that excites me? Then take that information to help define your calling and gifting.
Just some great takeaways and insight from Derrick on leadership, coaching, ministry & marriage. You can find Derrick on his IG page @thewhynotu or his website, simply click on the link in his bio. Just an amazing time with Derrick.
So, when God opens our eyes in Joy City we can clearly celebrate others for our differences, we can support one another in our efforts and we can cheer one another on in the spirit of unity and when One wins we all win. Every tribe and nation under heaven, worshipping God as one. As the Apostle Paul says, “may we fight for the UNITY of the faith in the bond of peace…”
No one can come face to face with what God is like and ever be the same. Welcome to Joy City. Seeing His true image, touches the depths of our soul and beholding His glory will renew our minds, transform us and give us strength to live this life for Him. Come on in, where the table is spread and the feast of the Lord is going on. I want to invite you to be a part, a resident of Joy City. A place where the Body becomes stronger and our love for others only increases.
I’ve enjoyed being your host and you can comment below, or email me at pastorstuart@lifeconnection4christ.org or call me at (209) 522-3583.